about lindsay

I'm Lindsay Granger, and this is probably the 15th blog of my life. I was an early adopter of the whole "inter-webs" thing, so I was designing "gurlpages" with (very) basic HTML before most people knew what that was. Yes, I was a geek. Still am, as you have/hopefully will read on the "blog" portion of this blog.

I don't know why I never went into computer science or graphic design as a career field, but it probably has something to do with this nagging need to help people, especially kids. I used to be a high school counselor in Philadelphia, PA and now I'm getting a doctorate in Educational Leadership at New York University... so yeah, I'm all up in that. The focus of my work is on the role that counselors can play as school leaders, especially in regards to creating a positive school culture where all children are included, accepted, and have the opportunity to learn. I have nebulous ideas about what I want to do with it, but right now I'm just focused on getting through school without killing myself with (or gaining weight from) stress.

It might seem weird that I'm getting back into blogging at a time when all I do is read and write, but it's a different kind of high. Plus, the things I read provoke thoughts that I can't really express in my academic papers, so hopefully this can be a place for those ideas to be explored.... or at least put out there for other folks to explore. My mind is a mix of education stuff, politics, and pop culture, and I'm also randomly motivational, so things could get interesting over here. My goal for this blog is to translate the current education research that I'm constantly reading into a language that makes real education reform both accessible and possible. The public conversation about this is far too agenda driven for actual change to happen, but if more people knew facts, who knows what could happen!

Hope you enjoy. Let me know if you do and don't... I love a good debate!
